Monday 7 December 2015

How to Make Your Website More Visible To Mobile Users

Mobile SEO is important because it ensures your website shows up in search results. Here are two important considerations to keep in mind when optimising your website for mobile.

Design for Performance

If visitors cannot find what they need quickly, they will likely leave your site for another. You should therefore design your site so that your visitors can navigate your website without hitting the wrong buttons and read your content without zooming in and out of your pages. Any elements that cannot be optimized for mobile should be removed from your site.

Optimise for Local Search

Research reveals that over half of mobile searches have local intent. This means that when people are searching for products or services, they want to learn about those that are local to them. If your business operates locally, it is essential to leverage these search habits and optimise your website accordingly. To increase your chances of appearing in a local search, you should include location information in your metadata and within a contact page on your website. You should also include relevant keywords within your website’s content. For example, if you are a photographer in Bristol, you can increase your website’s visibility by incorporating keywords such as “photographer in Bristol” or “Bristol photographer”.

As website browsing on mobile devices becomes more popular, failure to optimise your website for mobile will put you at risk of falling behind your competitors. By ensuring your website is easy to find and use on a wide range of mobile devices, you can improve your web traffic exponentially.

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