Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Creating an Effective Strategy for Social Media for SEO in Bristol

When coming up with a strategy for SEO in Bristol and elsewhere, the first thing to think about is your target audience. This would help greatly in identifying what social network they will most likely be found. If your business is focused on business to business, then networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn would be a good place to start. On the other hand, if the business is business to consumer, then the best bets would be Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Finding out which networks your target audience is using will help you determine which networks to focus on instead of unknowingly wasting time on networks that they are not active in. One basic tenet of social media marketing is to have a complete profile, no matter what social network is being used. This is so that current and potential customers can identify the business and can easily verify that they are legitimate.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Maximizing Google+ is a Marketing Plus

Social networks have become very popular. Aside from the heavyweight giants such as Facebook and Twitter, a relative newcomer is Google+. While it may not be as strong as the aforementioned networks, it still has a following of its own. This is why companies are not ignoring it when it comes to their online marketing efforts.
Google+ Local is a place where business owners can create their pages and people can share and review them. It is a landing spot for people who are searching within Google+ Local and Google Maps searches. Owners must pay attention to Google+ Local because local search is becoming a necessity to any online marketing strategy.